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Highlands County Adaptation Action Areas Plan


The Adaptation Action Areas (AAA) Plan serves as a strategic framework to address vulnerabilities within Highlands County to enhance community resilience. To kickoff this effort, the Central Florida Regional Planning Council organized community workshops to understand the concerns of residents. A set of adaptation strategies was developed to address community concerns based on the results of the community meetings. This community outreach effort is followed by a vulnerability assessment which involves identifying socially vulnerable and underserved populations which are disproportionately impacted by the effects of severe weather events by collecting demographic and environmental data. The adaptation strategies and vulnerability assessment along with the quantitative data from the exposure analysis and sensitivity analysis will inform the AAA boundaries and assist the County prioritize investments and guide policy making decisions.

The vulnerability assessment involves identification of the County’s critical community assets such as healthcare facilities, government buildings and libraries/community centers, schools, public health and safety facilities, parks and natural areas, and roads and evacuation routes. The most up-to-date data and information is used to map current and project rainfall flooding to evaluate the potential impacts on those critical assets during future weather events. The protection of these assets will ensure they can continue to serve the community after major weather events. Combined with data related to underserved communities, the County can identify and prioritize critical action areas for investment. To view the Highlands County Vulnerability Assessment Interactive Map, please go to this website:

Public Outreach

Several meetings were held with county and municipal staff, community organizations and champions, and the public to gain an understanding of the specific needs of the community in underserved areas based on their experiences. The outcomes of these meetings informed the specific strategies and recommendations of the AAA.

Meeting 1: County and Municipal Staff – December 18, 2024
A virtual meeting was held with staff from Unincorporated Highlands County and surrounding communities including the City of Avon Park, City of Sebring, Town of Lake Placid, to gain insight regarding vulnerable areas and the challenges they face, particularly related to flooding. Additionally, attendees provided details related to upcoming plans and projects within each jurisdiction.

Meeting 2: Community Organizations – Weeks of January 6 and 13, 2025
Key community organizations and non-profits from the County and City attended this virtual meeting to share their insights based on their services and relationships to the community. Participants included Highway Park and Heartland Coalition for the Homeless. They discussed challenges such as transportation, access to food, and flooding.


Meeting 3: Underserved Communities – January 11, 2025
Hosted at the Town of Lake Placid's Government Center, this meeting was open to the public. Participants shared their experiences with flooding, giving specific examples of areas of flooding, poor walkability, and challenges of rehabilitation following a disaster.

Highlands County AAA Community Workshop 2.jpg
Highlands County AAA Community Workshop.jpg

Proposed Adaptation Strategies 

The following strategy ideas are intended to address the climate threats identified by the vulnerability assessment and the concerns discussed during public outreach through protection, accommodation, relocation, and avoidance. The recommendations consider a variety of approaches, including nature-based solutions, policy changes, infrastructure improvements, partnerships and collaboration, and funding mechanisms. Through a comprehensive set of strategies, Highlands County can ensure a resilient future for the entire community.


Adaptation Strategy Ideas

  • Implement/strengthen stormwater systems. Increase maintenance of drainage systems and infrastructure

  • Implement stormwater infrastructure with a focus on green infrastructure when feasible (e.g., bioswales, parks, greenways, buffers, stronger riparian area, etc.)

  • Utilize federal, state, and local funding to support development/updates to affordable housing

  • Identify grant funding opportunities

  • Establish a County buy-out program and offer incentives to community to move out of flood zones. Educate community on repetitive flooding

  • Identify and apply for grant funding/partnership opportunities to expand public transportation options

  • Increase multi-use path construction throughout County

  • Develop partnerships to create mobile markets and farm-to-community program

  • Promote telehealth services to provide remote consultations and reduce the need to travel for medical care

Proposed Adaptation Strategies Summary Document

Adaptation Strategies Community/County/Municipality Comments with Strategies


Informational Flyer

Highlands County CHNEP Project Handout

​Funding​ Partners

The County and the CFRPC are working in partnership with the Coastal and Heartland National Estuary Partnership (CHNEP) to develop Adaptation Action Areas to address the impacts of extreme rainfall and flooding impacts as well as increased temperatures, extreme wind and storm events and housing and  transportation. The focus of this effort is underserved communities. This project is funded by the  bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Cooperative Agreement Funding to the CHNEP from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

City of Avon Park Logo
Highlands County BoCC Logo
Town of Lake Placid Logo
City of Sebring Logo

Curtis Knowles

Staff Contact for

Adaptation Action Areas Plan

863-534-7130 x124

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