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Local Emergency Planning Committee

Since 1988, the CFRPC has served as staff to the Central Florida Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) which serves DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands, Okeechobee, and Polk Counties. ​​

The LEPC meets quarterly.​​ Agendas and meeting materials are available one week prior to the meetings.


The LEPC conducts How-to-Comply trainings, answers public inquiries regarding EPCRA compliance, maintains the chemical inventories for public inspection consistent with the Community Right-to-Know provisions of EPCRA, provides technical assistance to facilities reporting under EPCRA, promotes hazardous materials awareness, and prepares and updates the Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan for the Region.

The LEPC will also utilize United States Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant funds to conduct low cost or no cost hazardous material response training and exercises for public sector employees.


LEPC membership consists of local professionals representing occupational categories such as environment, firefighting, law enforcement, emergency management, health, industrial facility representatives, community groups, media, transportation, and elected State and Local officials.


The LEPC was created in 1988 under the structure and guidance set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III Emergency Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) and the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM).


Congress enacted EPCRA to help local communities protect public health and safety and the environment from chemical hazards. Moreover, it establishes a unique public/private partnership of government entities and industry for the planning and reporting of hazardous and toxic chemicals. 

The LEPC, as established pursuant to ECPRA, shall: 

  • prepare regional hazardous materials emergency plans that indicate the facilities that use, produce, and/or store hazardous substances that are present in the region;

  • serve as the repository for regional reports filed under Title III;

  • direct regional Title III implementation activities; and 

  • perform associated outreach functions to increase awareness and understanding of and compliance with the Title III Program.  


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Curtis Knowles

Staff Contact for

Emergency Managment

863-534-7130 x124

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